The “combinatorial Nullstellensatz” is a relatively elementary statement due to Noga Alon (1999) whose name, while possibly frightening, really says what it is and what it is good for. (A freely available version is there.) Nullstellensatz is the classic name for a theorem of David Hilbert that relates loci in $F^n$ defined by polynomial equations and the ideals of the polynomial ring $F[T_1,\dots,T_n]$ generated by these equations, when $F$ is an algebraically closed field. The word itself is German and means “theorem about the location of zeroes”. The precise correspondence is slightly involved, and stating it here precisely would derail us from the goal of this post, so let us stay with these informal words for the moment. The adjective combinatorial in the title refers to the fact that Alon deduced many beautiful consequences of this theorem in the field of combinatorics, and for some of them, furnishes quite simple proofs. We'll give one of them below, the Cauchy—Davenport inequality, but my main motivation in writing this text was to discuss the proof of the combinatorial Nullstellensatz, in particular untold aspects of the proofs which took me some time to unravel.$\gdef\Card{\operatorname{Card}}$
The context is the following: $F$ is a field, $n$ is a positive integer, and one considers finite sets $S_1,\dots,S_n$ in $F$, and the product set $S=S_1\times \dots \times S_n$ in $F^n$. One considers polynomials $f\in F[T_1,\dots,T_n]$ in $n$ indeterminates and their values at the points $(s_1,\dots,s_n)$ of $S$. For every $i\in\{1,\dots,n\}$, set $g_i = \prod_{a\in S_i} (T_i-a)$; this is a polynomial of degree $\Card(S_i)$ in the indeterminate $T_i$.
Theorem 1. — If a polynomial $f\in F[T_1,\dots,T_n]$ vanishes at all points $s\in S$, there exist polynomials $h_1,\dots,h_n\in F[T_1,\dots,T_n]$ such that $f=g_1 h_1+\dots+g_n h_n$, and for each $i$, one has $\deg(g_i h_i)\leq \deg (f)$.
This theorem is really close to the classic Nullstellensatz, but the specific nature of the set $S$ allows to have a weaker hypothesis (the field $F$ is not assumed to be algebraically closed) and a stronger conclusion (the Nullstellensatz would assert that there exists some power $f^k$ of $f$ that is of this form, saying nothing of the degrees).
Its proof relies on a kind of Euclidean division algorithm. Assume that $f$ has some monomial $c_mT^m=c_mT_1^{m_1}\dots T_n^{m_n}$ where $m_i\geq \Card(S_i)$; then one can consider a Euclidean division (in the variable $T_i$), $T_i^{m_i}=p_i g_i + r_i$, where $\deg(r_i)<\Card(S_i)$. One can then replace this monomial $c_mT^m$ in $f$ by $c_m T^m/T_i^{m_i})r_i$, and, at the same time register $c_m T^m/T_i^{m_i} p_i$ to $h_i$. Since this amounts to subtract some multiple of $g_i$, the vanishing assumption still holds. Applying this method repeatedly, one reduces to the case where the degree of $f$ in the variable $T_i$ is $<\Card(S_i)$ for all $i$.
Then a variant of the theorem that says that a polynomial in one indeterminate has no more roots than its degree implies that $f\equiv 0$.
A weak point in the written exposition of this argument is the reason why the iterative construction would terminate. Intuitively, something has to decrease, but one needs a minute (or an hour, or a week) of reflexion to understand what precisely decreases. The problem is that if one works one monomial at a time, the degrees might stay the same. The simplest reason why this procedure indeed works belongs to the theory of Gröbner bases and to the proof that the division algorithm actually works: instead of the degrees with respect to all variables, or of the total degree, one should consider a degree with respect to some lexicographic ordering of the variables — the point is that it is a total ordering of the monomials, so that if one consider the leading term, given by the largest monomial, the degree will actually decrease.
The second theorem is in fact the one which is needed for the applications to combinatorics. Its statement is rather written in a contrapositive way — it will show that $f$ does not vanish at some point of $S$.
Theorem 2. — Let $f\in F[T_1,\dots,T_m]$ and assume that $f$ has a nonzero monomial $c_mT^m$, where $|m|$ is the total degree of $f$. If, moreover, $m_i<\Card(S_i)$ for all $i$, then there exists a point $s=(s_1,\dots,s_n)\in S$ such that $f(s)\neq 0$.
It is that theorem whose proof took me a hard time to understand. I finally managed to formalize it in Lean, hence I was pretty sure I had understood it. In fact, writing this blog post helped me simplify it further, removing a couple of useless arguments by contradiction! Anyway, I feel it is worth being told with a bit more detail than in the original paper.
We argue by contradiction, assuming that $f(s)=0$ for all $s\in S_1\times\dots \times S_n$. Applying theorem 1, we get an expression $f=\sum_{i=1}^n g_i h_i$ where $\deg(g_ih_i)\leq \deg(f)$ for all $i$. The coefficient of $T^m$ in $f$ is non zero, by assumption; it is also the sum of the coefficients of the coefficients of $T^m$ in $g_i h_i$, for $1\leq i\leq n$, and we are going to prove that all of them vanish — hence getting the desired contradiction. $\gdef\coeff{\operatorname{coeff}}$
Fix $i\in\{1,\dots, n\}$. If $h_i=0$, then $\coeff_m(g_ih_i)=\coeff_m(0)=0$, hence we may assume that $h_i\neq0$. This implies that $\deg(g_i h_i)=\Card(S_i)+\deg(h_i) \leq \deg(f)=|m|$.
One then has
\[ \coeff_m(g_i h_i)=\sum_{p+q=m} \coeff_p (g_i) \coeff_q(h_i), \]
it suffices to prove that all terms of this sum vanish. Fix $p,q$ such that
$p+q=m$, assume that $\coeff_p(g_i)\neq 0$, and let us prove that $\coeff_q(h_i)=0$.
By the very definition of
$g_i$ as a product of $\Card(S_i)$ factors of the form $T_i-a$, this implies that $p_j=0$ for all $j\neq i$. Moreover, $p_i\leq p_i+q_i=m_i <
\Card(S_i)$, by the assumption of the theorem, hence $p_i<\Card(S_i)$. This implies \[\Card(S_i)+\deg(h_i)\leq |m|= |p+q|=|p|+|q|=p_i+|q|<\Card(S_i)+|q|.\]
Subtracting $\Card(S_i)$ on both sides, one gets $\deg(h_i)<|q|$, hence $\coeff_q(h_i)=0$, as was to be shown.
To conclude, let us add the combinatorial application to the Cauchy—Davenport theorem.
$\gdef\F{\mathbf F}$
Theorem 3. — Let $p$ be a prime number and let $A$ and $B$ be nonempty subsets of $\F_p$, the field with $p$ elements. Denote by $A+B$ the set of all $a+b$, for $a\in A$ and $b\in B$. Then
\[ \Card(A+B) \geq \min (p, \Card(A)+\Card(B)-1).\]
First consider the case where $\Card(A)+\Card(B)>p$, so that $\min(p,\Card(A)+\Card(B)-1)=p$. In this case, for every $c\in\F_p$, one has
\[\Card(A \cap (c-B))\cup \Card(A\cup (c-B))=\Card(A)+\Card(c-B)>\Card(A)+\Card(B)>p,\]
so that the sets $A$ and $c-B$ intersect. In particular, there exist $a\in A$ and $b\in B$ such that $a+b=c$ and $A+B=\F_p$, and the desired inequality holds.
Let us now treat the case where $\Card(A)+\Card(B)\leq p$, so that $\min(p,\Card(A)+\Card(B)-1)=\Card(A)+\Card(B)-1$. We will assume that the conclusion of the theorem does not hold, that is, $\Card(A+B)\leq \Card(A)+\Card(B)-2$, and derive a contradiction. Let us consider the polynomial $f\in \F_p[X,Y]$
defined by $f=\prod _{c\in A+B} (X+Y-c)$. The degree of $f$ is equal to
$\Card(A+B)\leq \Card(A)+\Card(B)-2$. Choose natural integers $u$ and $v$ such that $u+v=\Card(A+B)$, $u\leq\Card(A)-1$ and $v\leq \Card(B)-1$. The coefficient of $X^u Y^v$ is equal to the binomial coefficient $\binom{u+v}u$. Since $u+v\leq \Card(A)+\Card(B)-2\leq p-2$, this coefficient is nonzero in $\F_p$. By theorem 2, there
exists $(a,b)\in A\times B$ such that $f(a,b)\neq 0$. However, one has
$a+b\in A+B$, hence $f(a,b)=0$ by the definition of $f$. This contradiction concludes the proof that $\Card(A+B)\geq \Card(A)+\Card(B)-1$. It also concludes this post.